Sunday 11 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

We had a wonderful time of prayer in church today - a time where many reflected on their own mothers and what their years of labour and love meant to them. I was so encouraged to hear so many give thanks for their mothers and was reminded of my own mothers years of raising seven of us. I am reminded of the years she spent in the kitchen feeding us or in the basement with that old wringer washer and then hanging up the clothes to dry. Never had a problem with humidity in our old house. I remember how she would sit up with us at night if we were sick - she was always there - always - and there was seven of us. I never heard a complaint from her or any sign of worry or weariness - even when my sister was so sick and dieing of cancer. What a woman - what an example of strength and fortitude for me.

Motherhood - a wonderful time of selfless work to make our lives so wonderful. May there be no complaints and no regrets - just joy in the work before us.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there who have invested so much of yourselves, your time, your sleep, your energy, and especially your love to raise and nurture the next generation and the next generation after that. I know I am what I am a lot because of who my mother was. And I also know my children are who they are in many ways because of who I am. We invest in our children and we invest in our grandchildren and our great grandchildren.

So here's to all you tireless Mom's out there. Enjoy your day! Cause you have to get back at it shortly! LOL But that's okay - we love investing our everything in those we love.

Christmas 1961 - can you pick me out? Can you believe that in 30 years I would have four children of my own and be mothering 24/7? See the post below - there we are raising our own family. Thirty years passes by so quickly!


kristen said...

Glad you had a good Mother's Day and thanks for the comment on my blog! It's nice knowing people check it every once and awhile!

Julie Cortens said...

Kris, you are on my Google reader - which I check every day - so yup, if you post, I will be visiting.

Laura said...

Happy Mother's Day Julie! Glad you had a good one. The card Jenna gave me made me cry. See you Tues.