Thursday 25 September 2008

Fall -

I posted this a few weeks back on Makeminedecaf...but thought I would post it here for those of you that don't visit my other blog.

Pro 16:9 We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.

My plan - to get in some exercise, biking or walking...But things got in the way and before I headed out the rain and wind had started. I just had time to trim back the strawberries in preparation for next years crop. And the rain started. I have maybe 6 strawberry bushes - so no big feat. I was just so easily distracted by the tall lanky new growth waving to me at my den window. They are now gone and only the rain on my window reminds me that I didn't get in any exercise today.

I cleaned out the fridge. It is one of those cold windy fall like days when I feel the need to make a nutritious, hearty soup for my family. So I puttered in the kitchen, cleaning, cutting, stirring, tasting until it is close. Now it need only simmer all afternoon filling the house with the aroma of a fall meal.

And the rain came down. I wish I could capture the sweet smell. The smell of God cleaning the world. Ah if only all could be cleansed. Prayer. It feels good to breath in a deep breath of His creation.

I regret seeing summer come to a close, but I also smile at the thought of fall. Crisp evenings, cool mornings. They are definitely here. His colours brilliantly displayed - such a wonder. The air - what is it in the air that is so refreshing and so invigorating? Fall leaves under foot. It is the most beautiful time of year.

I feel an urge to get the books out and plan the lessons, make sure the programs are all sorted out and our days are full of learning and fun. (There is also this urge to write a million post dated cheques to the piano teacher!) But those days are we write cheques to post secondary educational institutions and car payments.

Sigh... the big old long oak kitchen table is gone from the kitchen and the small round glass table reminds me that I have moved into an new era. They are off establishing themselves. Still requiring lots of prayer....and the Lord has granted me more time to pray for them.

Yes fall is here...

The flowers are starting to fade.

Today's hearty soup waits for the grown kids to come home for supper - some of them anyways. Enough to fit nicely around the small table. Maybe a friend as well? There's plenty!

It will be served up with hot corn bread fresh from the oven and with butter.

Today's Andy Rooney quote...

"Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it."

Enjoy climbing your mountain today and remember, the Lord determines our steps.

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