Wednesday 20 March 2013

Norah's One Year Check Up

This morning we took Norah to her one year Dr check up with the hopes of capturing some sweet photos similar to the ones I took of Eva on her one year check up.

Not to be....
Not only did Norah wake up with one runny, slimy nose, but she kept smearing it all over her face.
And Norah is a tad more, shall we say, feisty then Eva was at a year.

It all fell apart after this... the curiosity wore off pretty fast and Norah would have nothing to do with this checking her out stuff.

So I put the camera away and we went for lunch.... where Norah gave us a few smiles and then it all fell apart again. Poor girl - just needed to go home and sleep.
This first photo is SOC (Straight out of Camera)
See the snot?
Photographers do not like taking photos of snotty kids because that means serious time in Photoshop.
 The desnotted version
 Below is the 4 seconds where she thought maybe sitting still in her high chair and eating might be okay......
then it fell apart again. :(
I will spare you the screaming kid in a restaurant photos...because I don't have any. Too busy placating the one year old.

But she is still a sweetheart and I love her to pieces, snot and all.
I am off to photograph a newborn in 20 minutes.  They are never snotty :)
Stay tuned.

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