Tuesday 2 July 2013

Canada Day

My Orchid sent up another shoot last month and is now blooming again. I do not know why it appears to be so healthy since I know nothing about orchids or any other house plant for that matter!!

The Tiger Lilies are opening. Usually they open in early June but Canada Day they began to show forth all their beauty.
 David and I celebrated Canada Day with a walk down at River Landing and lunch at State & Main - I thought I was in Earls for a moment. The young waitresses have the same dress code.

Kinda liked this shot of an geranium opening up in the back yard.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful orchid Julie. I have one that I got last summer and it is blooming again - only 3 blossoms though. And like you I don't know much about them but think it is all the light it gets in our dining room. Beautiful pics of the flowers in your garden a couple of days ago. And of course love all the pics of the girls - they are adorable.
Pat S

Julie Cortens said...

Thanks Pat! This orchid just keeps amazing me. it sits in my kitchen window and every now and then I remember to water it. For the past to years it has bloomed only once a year - January to April. But this year it is blooming twice for me. :)

Unknown said...

I think it's State and Main. :) Did you like the food? I've only tried the lettuce wraps, but they were very good! I found the prices to be a little better than Earls at least. :)

allisonwhitehawk said...

Hmm, guess I wasn't signed in to my account. That last comment was by me.

Julie Cortens said...

Yes State and Main - which is what I thought I typed but good ol spell checker thought it should be steak. :) I fixed it. Yes the lettuce wraps were very good - all the food was good. Still pricey though. We sat on the patio - the music and all the TV screens inside was a bit much.