Saturday 13 November 2010

Eva and Mark

Uncle Mark came home for 10 days.

Praying this young man will soon find a firefighting or paramedic job in Saskatoon and move home!!!
We miss him so much.
Soon Eva will miss him too!


Mrs Manz said...

Montanas, right? I can just see her little eyes trying to figure out all the animal heads on the walls. (lol!)
Glad you had a good time with, Mark, Julie. Hopefully we'll connect with him next time - he wants to take Kurt out on a 'man-night' so he doesn't get too girly... :)

Allie said...

Those are awesome pictures!! I love how their expressions match so perfectly :)

I hope nobody had a birthday at Montana's. I remember Tanis freaking out whenever that triangle appeared!!

Julie Cortens said...

There were a few and it was noisy in there but we were far enough away. She didn't seem to mind at all.
I too remember Tanis NOT being impressed with that noisy bell. That was almost a year ago.