Wednesday 20 January 2010

Been busy

Yeah, this work thing keeps getting in the way of the fun things in life so I haven't been bloggin lately. Just no time. I have been posting to my 365 blog, so if you want to know what I am up to take a look there. I post every day - because them thars the rules on a 365 blog.

Took this on the way home from work on Tuesday. I love the sun, the sky, the wheat, the wire fence and the snow. It is so very 'winter in Saskatchewan'. I may have to scrapbook this one.


Angie said...

you must be busy..I tried calling a couple times, I was going to bring you a photo opportunity for you, but you weren't home....I mean, who could resist taking a picture of a new puppy :) I love looking at your 365 days blog.

Julie Cortens said...

Sorry I missed you Angie - working full time - out the door at 6am and home at 5:30pm but you can always leave a message on the answering machine ans I will get back to you.

Bamm-ela said...

Julie, I don't usually gush over sunset photographs because - really - they're just so easy. I mean who can wreck a sunset? Having said that, I am gushing over this one. It is absolutely spectacular. It belongs on the cover of Prairies North or Our Canada magazines. Your evolution as a photographer, your commitment to your personal growth in this area is so inspiring to those of us who are following your progress. Thanks for pushing your personal limits, it makes us want to push our own. I hope your Project 365 becomes Project 730 or Project 1095, etc. (Hope I got my math right ...)You have taken the goal of this project to heart and it is really one of the best ones out there.

Julie Cortens said...

Thank you for your encouragement Bamm-ela. There are many days when I ask myself "Does anyone really care if I take a photo today"? And some days I can't get to it until late in the evening and it is just a quick last minute macro of something in the house. But I am committed and I care if I get that photo. This means that I do try to keep my eye out for THE shot all day.
I too love this sunset shot and I am glad I took the time to find a place to pull off the road and compose this sunset I caught of glimpse of in my rear view mirror. I used my canon powershot - so there you go - you don't need and expensive DSLR to get the shot.... although had I had the DSLR and the tripod - this might have been Prairies North worthy. :)
Thanks again - I DO appreciate your encouragement.

Thelma Findlay said...

This is a stunning photo - I am going to save it to my desk top background for a few days!

Bamm-ela said...

Julie, I once won $500 in a photo contest for a photo of a sunset. I thought the judges were nuts, but I still cashed the cheque ;-) Do keep taking those pictures. I've just started my Project 365. Right now the focus (no pun intended) is on getting in the habit of taking the photos. Eventually, I want to work on the quality of the shots. Baby steps ...

Julie Cortens said...

Bamm-ela you will have to send me your 365 link please so I can follow along.

Patrinas Pencil said...

This is breath-takingly stunning! I adore sunsets. This is so Perfect.It makes my heart sing:)

Like "heavenly Sunshine", flooding my soul with Gorly divine.

I love your photography. It's got a different twist to it. Great talent - great eye!

Patrina <")>><