Tuesday 4 September 2012

Young Love

Brit and Josh are heading into another school year. Brit here in Saskatoon taking Nursing and Josh down in Colorado at university playing hockey. Since they won't see each other for the next 4 months, we spent an hour creating some fun memories for them to have while they look forward to Christmas break.
I thought this was a great idea!
I love photographing couples! And I think couples love being photographed. :)
It doesn't have to be your wedding.
It doesn't have to be your engagement.
It doesn't have to be any special occasion except that you love each other and want to capture a little of that love in a photograph or 2 or 30. :)
So give me a call and lets spend an hour having some fun this fall. Are you in love? Then lets get together  for no reason except you want to have some special moments captured because 'a good photograph stops a moment from running away......'
And you need to update that photo on your office desk... and in Facebook. :)

Lovin' all that love....
email me.....
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allisonwhitehawk said...

Love these!

Julie Cortens said...

soooo when are we going to do a family photo shoot....for your Christmas cards?