This page was fun and so easy...did it while I was waiting for my husband to get off my computer Saturday morning. Done in 30 minutes - I love it when a page just happens! David so seldom uses my computer that I told him go ahead, finish what you are doing and I'll organize all the stuff I picked up at JSI while working the other this new paper - well it isn't new but since it sold out so fast last time we have it in again..and it s beautiful. Pulled it out of the bag and put my photo on it. Yes! This would work, added some flowers, found some shimmer brads, exacto knife some of the swirls around the photo....pull out those fab Basic Grey chip board letters..add a little paint, some sparkles and shimmer mist, let them dry and out the door for coffee with my sweetheart. Home and glue it all together..gel pen on black paper for the journalling - done.
The best part of this wonderful day off, is that I just spent the last three hours playing on my husband new laptop (so why was he on my computer? more convenient) His computer has Windows Vista (learning curve) AND...get this!!!! It has Photoshop CS2 - YES!! So I have been reading a lot and learning all it can do - very powerful. I HAVE to take a Photoshop course.
I was able to scan my page on my own computer, and then went to the laptop to access the two scanned files off the home network from my computer to his laptop. I know this tech stuff is confusing but I love that I can access my photo files from his laptop because that is where CS2 is. I used photomerge in CS2 to merge the two scanned files together. And now I have uploaded it to my blog - voila!.
This learning curve is all in preparation for any holidays he might spring on me?? I can take photos, edit them and upload them to my matter where I am in the world (well if they have wireless Internet that is...but it is everywhere!) This is so much fun...why am I a nurse? oh yea it pays for all the toys and several bills! LOL
Today's fun.......

Oh how I love Hawaii! It is such a beautiful place.
Journalling reads.... Bliss: noun - supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment;
the joy of heaven/paradise; cause of great joy.
Mahalo for letting me share my day with you!