I have been remiss in keeping this gratitude list up. Not that I haven't been grateful every moment of every day, but it is always a blessing to take a few moments and really think about the things I am thankful for and actually put pen to paper.. or fingers to keyboard.
It keeps me focused on the right things.
So on Monday I had an EDO and the only thing on the agenda was an hour at the gym (showered and dressed), edit 300 grad photos and upload to web site and make a slide show, go pick up Allison and Eva for lunch and ...... update the gratitude list. It was a piece of cake.
I didn't get to the gym.....or all the photos done, but I did get out for lunch. priorities!
151 - I am thankful for the color PINK. It is so fresh and clean and pure and I get to cuddle with grand daughters who wear it all the time. And put it on my toes. :)
152. Our road trip last fall. Twelve hours together in the car just to talk to one another and be together uninterrupted by a computer or a TV.
153. The Canadian Rockies. How can you look at these and not have even a glimpse of how incredible our Creator is? How wonderful Creation is... and then we go and mess with it.
154. Food. This photo of a hamburger that I took in Hawaii last year kind of jumped out at me and reminded me that food really is such a wonderful thing and the fact that I have never had a day in my life when I did not eat or have the ability to eat, is something to be thankful for. There are people who go a whole day without eating - not because they are on a diet or fasting for medical test, but because they just can't get any food.
Be thankful for every morsel of bread you have. ...okay a bit of a rant in there with my extreme thankfulness that God provides our daily bread.
155. My husband of 31 years who is on the other side of the world as I type. Could I love a man any more then I love this man? So thankful for His grace in our lives to give us a marriage truly made in heaven - not perfect by any stretch - but absolutely wonderful! I miss you dear and I am counting the sleeps.
This is us kissing on the beaches of Oahu at sunset. (smile)
156. The smell of the ocean. I am a prairie girl but there is something about the smell of the sea that just melts away all my worries. Now it is a completely different story when I am ON the sea, but smelling it, listening to it and watching it is glorious. Thankful I get to visit it when I do.
157. Hawaii. Alone with my Sweetheart. By the Pool. Reading. Hanging out. This photo just takes me back - thankful I can go there.
158. Airplanes - so I can get to the ocean. :)
159. Life - I am thankful.
I lost my Dad just over a month ago and, well, I miss him. The realization that I will NEVER see him again is really hard and hasn't quite sunk in. Death is final - the most final thing in this world. So I am thankful for every breath He gives me. May I use each one to His glory.
This photo was taken in a graveyard in Savannah Georgia.
160. New Life which brings eternal life with our Lord and Creator - the One who made those mountains, the flowers, sunsets, oceans, the crashing sea, who provides us with food, love and every breath we take. Do not ignore Him.