Tuesday 5 February 2008

Photoshop Montaging!

Day off work (from both jobs)- yahoo. Plan was to go to the gym and then get some badly needed housework done around here but I made that number one mistake of sitting down at my computer...at 7:15 am this morning...it is now 1:46 pm and I am still here...a tad hungry and the house is a mess. And no, I didn't get to the gym. However, the day was not a total loss. Check out my new banner. I have been trying to do tutorials in Photoshop on collages/montages. I have trouble following the instructions - rebel that I am - but I managed this new banner. Don't ask me how I did it because I forget already...but I have started the process of learning. I used my own photographs for this...recognize the cats eye ink all you scrapbookers?

I just finished another one done using photomerge command - which is cheating and doesn't do nearly as nice a job - but it was a great photomerge with photos of my son's new car. I went to save it and my computer told me I didn't have enough RAM! WHAT???!!! And promptly threw out the whole montage. So I am now turning to a few other items on my to do list today, #1 being eat something. But before I do, I will share another effort (below) from this morning...although my header is my favorite work of art today. :) Regarding the header...I did spend an hour playing with the HTML code to get that header to go all the way across the top of my blog and it will not!! Blogger does not seem to have an answer for me either. Here is a montage of some of my photos of a Saskatoon winter.

It's a start and next day off I will plug along again and see if I can actually become more proficient at montages - ie actually remember what I am learning. Here is another one - actually my first of the day and not my favorite - but I learned a few things with the magic wand tool.

Thanks for letting me share.



Angie said...

I love the bottom picture with the family. That one is my favorite!

What was that nice song you had playing on your blog, just before you decided to take the music off?

Anonymous said...

Julie - I LOVE it!! All the pics, but especially the header...blends beautifully. You're pushing me closer and closer to trying out Photoshop...that's the one piece of software that intimidates me, for some reason. Can't wait to see what you do next:)

Susan said...

Julie - its beautiful! all of it! Do you have the full blown photoshop or do you have photoshop element?

Unknown said...

I want photoshop. Is it a free download like Picasa or do I have to buy it at a store? This is cool stuff!!

Amanda said...

Hey Julie --

I love your montages...my fave is the Winter one! I might hvae to bribe you to teach me some of this sometime during a Friday night crop. Your banner is awesome. I still want to cre8 one of my own someday!

Angie said...

So close to the 10,000 mark for viewers!!

Julie Cortens said...

Angie - That was a classical piece I was playing on the blog a while back and I can't remember the composer or where I got it - so sorry! And yes! I hit 10,000 - I thought it would be next week but traffic has been amazing on my blog of late - must be the new header! haha
Susan I have Elements 5 on my own computer - bought it last fall and David has CS2 on his laptop ...so I spend some time on that. Elements 5 is actually really quite an incredible photo editor.
Laurie - sorry but it is not free unless you get a pirated copy. Photoshop is very powerful and professionals use it for graphic design as well as detailed exact photo editing. It is very fun if you can find the time to play and discover all it is capable of. There is way more on it than I will ever learn - but one task at a time. Picasa is fine for cropping, red eye and several preset modes and yes! it is free. Picasa also works well for uploading photos to the web for sharing and organizing photos.
Amanda - you are so ceative I am sure you will have a masterpiece at the top of your blog in no time.

Pam said...

great photoshopping Julie.
I love the family pic!!!

jem said...

Cool, can you teach me!