151. My husband's patience with me when I am working through stuff and not myself.
152. A job I enjoy and the most perfect co-worker. I work with great people.
153. Thankful for texts or calls from my kids who are so far away.
154. Skype - it allowed my 9 month old grand daughter to remember me after not actually "seeing" me for over five months. And when you are nine months old, that is a long time. But she smiled and came right to me. Thankful for skype.
155. Thankful for my new camera and lenses that I am so enjoying.
156. Rooibus tea. Finally something I enjoy drinking that I CAN drink. And add to that Silk Soya Milk.
157. My computer and printer and talent from Him that make helping make my friends wedding invitations such an easy task.Thankful for opportunity to show His love.

158. Climbing into clean fresh sheets on my bed, listening to a thunder storm out my window and reading Phillipeans. It is a great way to end the day.
159. Ever changing but incredibly wonderful prairie skies. I could photograph them every night - but then you might get bored.
160. A son who shares my passion for photography.